what is it?
PASSIVE HOUSE (Passivhaus) represents today’s highest energy standard for building performance with the promise of reducing the operational energy consumption of buildings by up to 75% in California, while providing superior comfort and extreme indoor air quality – all with minimal additional upfront investment. PASSIVE HOUSE building principles have been around for more than 30 years and follow the 5x typical principles illustrated below.
The PASSIVE HOUSE standard has been successfully implemented worldwide with tens of thousands of buildings in all different hot and cold climates. Buildings are designed specifically for local conditions.
Typical buildings consume up to 40 percent of global energy use and contribute up to 30 percent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions and are contributors to climate change. With Passive House standards you will enjoy comfort, exceptional indoor air quality, and a healthy sustainable home with low utility bills. The PASSIVE HOUSE Standard offers a solution towards a low-carbon future for residential and commercial building.
PASSIVE HOUSE 5x principles for evidence based performance
1 climate-appropriate insulation
a well-insulated building envelope keeps warmer temperatures inside during the cold months and heat out during warmer months.
2 airtightness
passive houses are designed to avoid leakages in the building envelope, thus boosting energy efficiency while preventing draughts and moisture damage.
3 thermal bridge free design
avoiding thermal bridges, weak points in the building envelope, contributes to pleasant, even interior temperatures while eliminating moisture damage and improving energy efficiency.
4 windows & exterior shading
strategically positioned, highly insulated, airtight high performance windows do their part to make optimal use of the sun’s energy
5 continuous ventilation
passive house ventilation systems provide plentiful fresh filtered air free of dust and pollen, maximum energy efficiency through heat recovery system (HRV), and unlike other ventilation systems is is 100% fresh air (no air recirculation).
+ renewable energy and storage
on and off site renewable energy production can be integrated creating Net Zero Energy (NZE) buildings. The idea is first to reduce the consumption drastically and then supplement with a small system. Achieving more with less.
PASSIVE HOUSE performance goals?
• Heating: 4.75 kBTU/ft2.a demand or 3.17btu/hr.ft2 peak load
• Cooling & Dehumidification: 4.75 Kbtu/ft2.a + climate-specific dehumidification
• Source Energy: ~38Kbtu/ft2yr* (with Climate Specific factors)
• Airtightness: Tested limit 0.6 ACH50 (In both over-pressure and under- pressure scenarios at 50 Pa)
PASSIVE HOUSE & existing buildings - EnerPHit
It is not always possible to achieve the PASSIVE HOUSE standard for refurbishments of existing buildings therefore EnerPHit is the PASSIVE HOUSE certificate for retrofits. Significant energy savings can be achieved even in existing buildings.
introduction to PASSIVE HOUSE buildings in california
Comfortable, Affordable and Sustainable - Passive House Design in California. 18 minute presentation by Passive House California (PHCA).
PASSIVE HOUSE and zero carbon building
Graphic provided by Passive House Accelerator.
The math of zero carbon building is straightforward: first maximize energy efficiency in buildings, then minimize the embodied or upfront carbon emitted from construction, electrify everything, and power it all with clean energy. Passive House design is the most powerful tool available to dramatically improve energy efficiency in buildings, so it's a great place to start, whether your project is a retrofit or new construction [Passive House Accelerator].
carbon emissions calculation | whole life carbon
The PHribbon is a new tool now available to calculate the “Whole Life Carbon” for your new PASSIVE HOUSE project. PHribbon integrates into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP).
The PHN PHribbon is written by Tim Martel, a Certified Passive House Designer, and Chartered Architectural Technologist, and produced by the Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB), in collaboration with Building Transparency, and The Passive House Network.
embodied carbon definition
The total impact of all human induced greenhouse gases emitted from material extraction through the end of its useful life; calculated by summing all carbon emitted from sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, transporting, construction and installation activities, ongoing material/product energy use, maintenance, repair, and finally, disposal.
embodied versus operational carbon
Buildings become more energy efficient.
Building energy supply increasingly uses locally produced energy or low carbon sources.
Energy grids are decarbonizing, while manufacturing processes and transport run on fossil fuels.
Buildings embed more systems, whose manufacture and replacement causes emissions.
(Source: Embodied Carbon Review, 2018)
california PASSIVE HOUSE performance over building energy code
Study from Passive House California (PHCA) shows the benefits from applying the International Passive House Construction Standard for new buildings and retrofits when compared to code design.
PASSIVE HOUSE and green building certification standards
The international PASSIVE HOUSE construction standard developed by the PASSIVE HOUSE institute focuses on the building envelope performance via the 5 principles / building blocks. At the same time PASSIVE HOUSE integrates seamlessly into other green building certification standards for example:
Living Building Challenge
The Living Building Challenge is the world’s most rigorous proven performance standard for buildings. People from around the world use our regenerative design framework to create spaces that, like a flower, give more than they take. Living Buildings are:
Regenerative buildings that connect occupants to light, air, food, nature, and community.
Self-sufficient and remain within the resource limits of their site.
Create a positive impact on the human and natural systems that interact with them.
LEED certification
LEED provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green buildings. LEED certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership. LEED certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people. They are a critical part of addressing climate change and meeting ESG goals, enhancing resilience, and supporting more equitable communities.
To achieve LEED certification, a project earns points by adhering to prerequisites and credits that address carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health and indoor environmental quality. Projects go through a verification and review process by GBCI and are awarded points that correspond to a level of LEED certification